Weather is a series of measurements about the atmosphere, temperature, how much air is moving, in what direction, number, density, and height of clouds, and others. Weather is basically just heat and humidity in the air, and everything else is just the complex result of the interaction of the two. Most weather happens in the lower atmosphere, closer to the ground and the oceans.
Climate on the other hand is a statement about the kind of weather an area typically recieves, and because of that, the general conditions in that area.
Over all the difference between weather and climate is that weather is whatever is happening right now, in ten minutes, yesterday, next month, and so on, but climate is all the kinds of weather that do happen, and the things affected by that.
everybody cares about the weather because it affects everything. Bad weather often makes certain jobs impossible and makes many other things unpleasant. Things you want to know the weather for are things like, is it going to rain while you are trying to build a road, or will it be warm enough to swim, or one that everybody here in Saskatchwan knows, will I be able to see through the blowing snow when I drive to work today. For the reason that weather touches every aspect of our lives, everybody should and does care about the weather.
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